Thursday, June 15, 2006


One of my friends Stacey Burger has a son who has been diagnosed with a rare bone disease. Austin, who is 4 years old, is the youngest known person ever to have the disease. There are only two hospitals in the nation which treat it , and his family has been going through a sea of emotions. Through the sleepness nights, Stacey and his family have found refuge at the lake. The doctors actually encourage Austin to swim in hopes of a recovery. Austin is a fighter, one of his hips miraculously healed itself, and because his body is trying to fight off this disease, I went around to some of Stacey's co-workers and friends and without hesitation they donated money for Austin. We were able to compile enough money to get Austin 6 months membership at the YMCA and swimming lessons until August 31. Because swimming is low impact and strengthens Austin's muscles, this gives him a fighting chance and a opportunity to have fun. Austin will be seeing the doctor sometime in August and if he hasn't gotten better he may need to wear a body cast for 2 years. Please say a prayer for Austin. Thanks to everyone who contributed, the Burger Family is very appreciative.


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