Tuesday, September 12, 2006

In and Out of Shape

While I have been working hard at getting in shape my friend Mills Stover has been working hard at something else. Apparently Moe's Southwest Grill had a Nationwide Burrito eating contest and Mills entered. Well, after winning the local competition Mills went on to the area competition and then to Atlanta for the regional competition. His quest for the National Burrito Eating Championship unfortunately ended when he was disqualified for a technicality at Regionals. I'm sure his girlfriend wasn't too disappointed, and I'm sure his heart was probably begging for him to stop. So while Mills has been chomping on free Mexican for the last month I have been working out with DJ. I have lost 18lbs of pure fat and my body fat was reduced from 19 percent to 11 percent. My overall speed has been improved and my knee is almost 100%. I am eating a CLEAN diet and feel and look GREAT. Thanks to DJ. I'm ready for the VOLLEYBALL BIRTHDAY BASH!!!

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